Category Archives: Uncategorized

Revenue Cycle Conference Keynote Spotlight: David Haight, Vice President, athenahealth

By | January 10, 2020

The annual two-day Revenue Cycle Conference at Gillette is less than a week away. Today is the last day for online registration (click here to register). Walk-in registration will be available. On Friday morning , the conference will feature David Haight as the keynote speaker. David Haight is Vice President of Advisory Services – Athena healthcare. In this… Read More »

Revenue Cycle Conference Keynote Spotlight: Benjamin Isgur, Health Research Institute Leader, PwC

By | January 6, 2020

The annual two-day Revenue Cycle Conference at Gillette is less than two weeks away. You can still register here to attend. On Thursday afternoon, the conference will feature Benjamin Isgur as the keynote speaker. Ben will provide a national overview of the current healthcare policy environment. He will touch on the latest legislative efforts, the role of health policy… Read More »

Revenue Cycle Conference Keynote Spotlight: Michael Carson, President & CEO of Harvard Pilgrim

By | January 3, 2020

The annual two-day Revenue Cycle Conference at Gillette is less than two weeks away. You can still register here to attend. On Thursday morning, the conference will feature Michael Carson as the keynote speaker. Michael Carson is President and Chief Executive Officer of Harvard Pilgrim Health Care, a leading not‐for‐profit health services company. Harvard Pilgrim and its family… Read More »

Happy Thanksgiving to the HFMA Community!

By | November 26, 2019

Thanksgiving is a time to appreciate and embrace those who enrich our lives – both professional and personal. We are thankful for so much, but most thankful for our wonderful members, our hardworking volunteers, our generous sponsors, and our kind colleagues and friends of the MA-RI Chapter. Without your support, this Chapter would not be the success it… Read More »

CMS Issues Final Hospital Price Transparency Rule, As Well As Proposed Insurer Cost-Sharing Disclosure Rule

CMS released a Final Rule on November 15, 2019 requiring hospitals to disclosed their negotiated rates with third-party payers for all items, services, and service packages provided by the hospital, as well as those provided by hospital-employed physicians, effective January 1, 2021.  The Final Rule was released alongside a new proposed rule that would require health insurers and… Read More »