Now that the new Chapter year has begun as of June 1, 2022, it is once again time to consider your volunteer options for the upcoming year. Click Here for a description of each of the various Committees as well as a Committee Volunteer form.
During the pandemic, we are all adapting to the way we do our jobs. At the HFMA MA-RI Chapter, we are thinking about how to continue providing the best educational content and positive networking experiences in a way that is safe for everyone. Being on a committee gives you the chance to help us create these new opportunities. And, they are a great way to meet new colleagues and network!
I encourage you to review this form and choose Committees that interest you and best meet your personal and professional goals. Committee participation will not only help you advance your career goals, but also can be personally satisfying.
Think about which Committees will benefit most from your time and energy, and take a moment to complete the online volunteer form. Thank you in advance for your participation.
If you have any questions with respect to Committee participation, please call or e-mail our Association Management office at (781) 647-4422 or admin@ma-ri-hfma.org. If they are unable to answer your question, they will direct you to the appropriate Chapter representative.
Karen Kinsella
Chapter President