Wine Dinner and Founders Points

By | October 23, 2018

Save the date! This year’s annual wine dinner is scheduled for May 9, 2019 at the Downtown Harvard Club. This is a special event for our chapter as it is when we recognize our volunteers for service to HFMA. Three of the awards presented are related to Founders Points.

Are you familiar with HFMA’s Founders Points? Points are earned by volunteering with the chapter and HFMA National. Who knows, you may already have points and not be aware of it!

What are HFMA Founders Points?

Founders Points are part of a merit-rating plan managed by National HFMA to with the purpose of “Recognizing the Volunteer in You”. Points can be obtained for volunteer activities at the National, regional, and local chapter level with specific activities assigned a range of point values. Points are cumulative and members qualify for volunteer awards when they obtain certain levels of points. Additionally, the accumulation of Founders Points is one of the ways you can demonstrate volunteer activity as a requirement for receiving the FHFMA designation.

How do I earn Founders Points?

Founders Points are awarded for a variety of activities. A few examples include:

Opportunities to obtain points exist at the national, regional, and local level. Additionally, qualifying volunteer opportunities can be flexible to your schedule and appeal to those who want more experience in event management, public speaking, leadership, editing, and writing. Volunteer opportunities are open to all members.

What awards can I receive?

Four awards have Founder Points requirements with three of the awards entirely based on the number of points a member has earned.

The Follmer Bronze Award is awarded to an individual who has earned 25 member points. The award is named after William G. Follmer, who established the American Association of Hospital Accountants (AAHA) (now HFMA).

The Reeves Silver Award is awarded to an individual who has earned 50 member points. This award honors Robert H. Reeves, an organizing member of AAHA who was elected its president in 1956.

The third award is presented to a member who has earned 75 member points. The Muncie Gold Award honors Fredrick T. Muncie, who was an organizing member of the AAHA and the first president of the association (1947-49).

A fourth award, the Founders Medal of Honor, was added in 1986 and is conferred by nomination of the member’s Chapter Board of Directors. This award recognizes individuals who have been involved in the association for at least three years after earning the Muncie Gold Award, have provided significant service at the chapter and/or national level in at least two of those years, and remain members in good standing.

Where can I see how many points I have?

You can see your current Founders Points by logging into and clicking on “My Account” on the upper right hand side of the screen and then selecting “Founders Points” on the left.

What should I do if I am missing points?

Although HFMA National and the Chapter track most member points, you are ultimately responsible for tracking and notifying your Founders Contact of your activity. If you have any questions regarding the Founders Points process, please contact the Chapter Office at