In Memory of Phil Geissinger

By | May 19, 2020

With great sadness, we are writing to inform you of the loss of Phil Geissinger, FHFMA, FACMPE. Phil was very active in the MA-RI Chapter, serving a number of roles, including Board Member and volunteering on the New to Healthcare Committee.

Following his graduation from Albion College, Phil relocated to Boston and attended Northeastern where he earned his Master’s. He went to work for Coopers and Lybrand, beginning his career in healthcare administration where it would continue for three decades in Boston. Primarily working as a consultant where he gained insight into the way many different hospitals operated, including serving as the Executive Vice President and CFO of the Affiliated Physician’s Group at Beth Israel Deaconess, Associated Director of Fiscal Services at Mass General, and starting PGConsulting before he relocated to North Carolina to work at Northeastern before they merged with Carolinas Healthcare System and became Atrium.

Phil will be remembered for his good humor and generous sharing of a vast reservoir of knowledge in healthcare finance with many in the MA-RI Chapter as well as being a valued colleague, mentor and friend.

Phil’s wife, Jeanine Joy has published a memorial website and plans to hold a small family ceremony with distant guests able to attend online. She is currently in the planning stages now.

If you would like to contribute your memories of Phil, Jeanine asks that you contact her via Quora, Linkedin, Instagram, or Facebook if you would like to contribute your story to this site.