Every year, the HFMA Massachusetts Rhode Island Chapter gathers to celebrate its volunteers and bestow awards.

Silver Award winner Michael Hachey and Bronze Award winner Craig Netsa.

Deb Wilson and Hernan Award winner Robert Zysman
The Hernan Award is named after the chapter’s first president, Frances M. Hernan, and is presented by the Board of Directors to a chapter member who has excelled in his or her work for the chapter and/or has made outstanding contributions to the field of hospital financial management. Roberta Zysman, this year’s Hernan recipient is a Past President of the Chapter and most recently served on the Women’s Leadership Conference Committee.
The Medal of Honor Award recognizes an individual who has been actively involved in HFMA for at least three years after earning the Muncie Gold Award, has provided significant service at the chapter, regional and/or national level in at least two of those years, and remains a member in good standing.

Medal of Honor winner Jeanne Schuster and Chapter President Garrett Gillespie.
The Frederick T. Muncie Gold Award, Robert H. Reeves Silver Award, and William G. Follmer Bronze Award are awarded to members based on Founders Points. Click here to learn more about Founders Points.

Brozne Award winner and incoming Chapter Board member Patrick McDonough.
Congratulations to the awardees! To see a list of past awardees from the Massachusetts-Rhode Island Chapter, click here. To read about this year’s Wine Dinner and Awards Social, click here.