The Massachusetts-Rhode Island Chapter of the Healthcare Financial Management Association is excited to launch its new blog, today, June 1, 2018!
In the coming months, we will be transitioning from the chapter newsletter, HFMA Advisor, to a blog format for communications with our members. Past issues of the HFMA Advisor will continue to be available on our website. The blog will provide members with educational articles, information about upcoming HFMA events, and Chapter news. Scroll down for a sampling of the content we’ll be providing through the blog.
The Chapter will be providing a weekly email digest of blog posts. If you’re already a member of the Massachusetts-Rhode Island Chapter, you’ll automatically receive these emails. If you’re not yet a member, but would like to receive updates, please sign-up using the form to the right.
If you’re interested in writing a blog post, or have topics that you’d like to see covered on the blog, we’d love to hear from you! Please contact for details.
Blog Co-Editors,
Emily Anne Nolte & Kate Stewart