Kim Carlozzi: President’s Farewell Message

By | May 29, 2024

As the month of May and the 2023-2024 Chapter year winds down, I’d like to take a moment to thank the MA-RI HFMA community for the opportunity to serve and represent our MA-RI HFMA Chapter.  Little did I know that when I joined HFMA and volunteered on the Managed Care Committee many years ago that I would eventually become the President of this outstanding Chapter.  I’m proud of our Chapter and what we’ve done this year – establishing the Educational Partnership and the Inclusion and Belonging Committee, as well as continuing to hold amazing programming and Executive Connections.  I am excited for the future knowing that you’re in wonderful hands with our incoming President, Patrick McDonough, as well as all of our Officers and Board Members.

A special thanks to the Officers, Board Members, Committee Chairs, and volunteers.  I appreciate your commitment of time and talent to provide our members with exceptional educational and networking events, in a welcoming environment.

I kicked off this year posting a “President’s Welcome” on our website.  In it, I quoted First Lady Eleanor Roosevelt in saying, “It is not fair to ask of others what you are not willing to do yourself.”  It’s been both an honor and a treat to work alongside our dedicated volunteers.  I’m once again turning to our fine First Lady as I complete this HFMA year.  Mrs. Roosevelt also stated, “Do not even attempt a job if you do not plan to do the best you know how.”  The best way I know how is to give it my all and lean on the support of a talented volunteer corps.

Thank you again!

Kim Carlozzi