If you feel the current healthcare climate has adversely impacted your career path or put opportunities on hold, consider using any excess free time to study and sit for any of the Healthcare Financial Management Association’s Certification exams. It’s a great strategy to enhance your career by making the most out of free time this summer.
Options include the Certified Healthcare Financial Professional (CHFP) exam and five attendant specialty exams. Study materials and exam fees are available to most members free of charge. Those with discounted memberships should check with HFMA Career Services to see what rates may apply.
All content on the exams is drawn from materials contained in the study guides and, while updated on a regular basis, contains no local, state or regional topics that would present difficulty to some candidates.
In many cases, the exams may be completed in one sitting but the CHFP exam comes in two modules. There is an adequate interval granted between the modules to avoid cramming tendencies and exams can be retaken, if necessary, within a designated time period so as not to require additional study materials.
For members who already attained their CHFP, there is an opportunity to go on and become a Fellow of the Healthcare Financial Management Association (FHFMA).
For more information or questions about certification, you may also contact careerservices@hfma.org or call 1-800-252-4362.