Welcome New Members!

By | May 9, 2019

The following members recently joined. We welcome you to the Chapter and encourage you to take advantage of the many professional development, networking and information resources available to you at HFMA. Other HFMA members are a terrific resource for your everyday professional challenges – we encourage all members, current and new, to get involved with HFMA committees and social activities. And… use the Membership Directoryit’s a great resource! We value your membership, so please send us feedback or questions on your HFMA experiences to admin@ma-ri-hfma.org.

Special recognition goes to Lowell General Hospital for their new Enterprise Membership. If your company would like to become an Enterprise Member click here for more information.

New Massachusetts-Rhode Island Chapter Members

Delenna Carmona, Cerner

Jeanne Dixon, Parallon

Lukas Eldridge, Sentinel Benefits & Financial Group

Jessica Freitag, Parallon

Russell Fuchs, Experian

Tammy Gitter, Parallon

Jason Hagan, Brigham & Women’s Hospital, Inc.

Jack Harraghy, Pro CCM

Peter Rock, Etiometry Inc

Julie Sarno, Parallon

Brian Shea, Parallon

Kristen Tomassetti, Parallon

Taylor Worthy, CRCR